Savir's Brain

Savir's Cells Project 2021 (Website)

Nervous System/Alzheimer's Disease

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How does the nervous system work?

The nervous system, consisting of the brain (and brain cells), spinal cord, sensory organs, and the nerves, takes in information through our senses, processes the information and triggers reactions, such as making your muscles move or causing you to feel pain. You might wonder: Why is feeling pain important? How does it help me? Well, feeling pain is important. For example, if you get burnt by a stove, and don't feel pain, you would never know about it - and burn completely!

About Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease is a disease affecting the nervous system, said to be caused by an abnormal build-up of proteins in and around someone's brain cells. It has several symptoms/effects, which are outlined later on. It is also the most common type of dementia.

Alzheimer's Disease

Who does it affect?

Alzheimer's Disease is a disease affecting mainly the elderly. It is most common in people over the age of 65, and the risks of all types of dementia increase with age. Alzheimer's Disease affects an estimated 1 in 14 (approx. 7%) people over the age of 65 and about 1 in 6 (approx. 17%) people over 80.

Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms

Alzheimer's disease has several symptoms including:

Alzheimer's Disease Cause

Alzheimer's Disease is said to be caused by an abnormal amount of proteins in and around a person's brain cells. One of two major proteins involved, amyloid deposits of which form plaques around the cells. The other major protein involved is known as tau, deposits of which form tangles inside the brain cells. Although the precise cause for this activity to start is unknown, scientists have discovered that this starts to happen several years before symptoms develop.

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

There are several measures you can take to prevent Alzheimer's Disease. Some include:

Alzheimer's Disease Treatment

Certain medications, known as cholinesterase inhibitors are prescribed for mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease. These drugs usually help to reduce the severity of symptoms and help to reduce behavioural changes. These medications include:

Patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease are also advised to use methods to prevent it.

Take a Peak Inside Alzheimer's Disease


In conclusion, a healthy nervous system can be affected by Alzheimer's Disease due to an abnormal build-up of proteins in and around a person's brain cells. Although the cause for this build-up is unknown, there are several measures you can take to prevent this disease. While there are limited treatment options available, research continues to understand the pathophysiology of the disease.
